All clothes must be clean, neat and tidy, not suggestive or offensive. Consideration of current fashion trends will be made but these will not override the above or any safety issues. The following are examples of apparel which would be considered inappropriate.
- Men’s sleeveless or singlet shirts.
- Torn or ripped clothing.
- Soiled work uniforms or footwear.
- Bare feet.
- Gym, training gear or swimwear.
- Men’s headwear, baseball caps, beanies and scarfes.
Clothing with suggestive or obscene messages or pictures printed on them. Exemptions are in place for Religious Headware and for Medical Conditions that may require for Scalp to be covered. Hats may be worn in the outside Greens area only.
This list is not exhaustive. Management has the right to refuse entry to any patron.